Problem: With coastal UK-based tourism on the rise since COVID restrictions have eased, the number of seal disturbance cases has risen, with it posing detrimental and potentially fatal consequences for seals and marine eco-systems.
Insight: Despite attempts to increase local knowledge on the subject via out-of-house campaigns (e.g. ‘Give Seals Space’) and changes in legislation, disturbance cases are still rising with as many as 10 seals being disturbed by humans every 70 minutes. It appears that timely, effective intervention is being neglected.
Solution: Hijack popular tourism booking platforms and public spaces to provide effective disturbance-intervention at the booking stage of holiday plans.

fromafar is a campaign and design interface partnered with The Wildlife Trusts to encourage thoughtful wildlife watching in the UK - by keeping a respectful distance. Branded pop-ups hijack popular booking platforms, interrupting the booking process for tourists and nudging them towards thoughtful wildlife watching.
A further information site is linked to these pop-ups providing important information on fromafar’s ethos, goals and team. Out-of-house engagement uses ultra-simple design strategies to communicate concepts of ‘distance’, ‘respect’ and ‘protection’ which everyone should keep in mind when searching for wildlife.

The simplicity of its versatile design and streamlined language make it easy to be effectively applied to countless vulnerable wildlife case studies (rather than just being limited to seals) such as hedgehogs, otters and puffins.